Global Change is a space created to catalyze the emergence of a world of dignity for all.
From the South and with the South. We raise our voices. We cross borders. We create what we dream of. We recognize and share our power. And so, together, we create a new world.
Global Change offers original experiences that invite participants to think and act “beyond borders”: :
- Personal, cultural and social borders prevent us from becoming change agents. BEYOND FRONTIERS, organizes learning experiences that promote creative, critical and collective leadership. We build global citizenship.
- The territorial and political borders. FROM SOUTH TO SOUTH , connects Africa, Asia, Latin America and the rest of the world, prioritizing the transfer of knowledge and the empowerment of actors traditionally relegated to the periphery. We collaborate in the co-creation of a multipolar world.
- The frontiers of communication and imagination. By organizing multicultural artistic experiences. EPHIMERAL ART , invites participants to appreciate new possibilities for a new world, opening the doors to imagination. We nurture dreams
- The borders of the dominant narratives, centralized through a few “ messengers”, reinforce negative ideas.. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, encourages the construction of new narratives, giving visibility to messages, stories and practices that contain transformative positive power. We encourage the construction of a new narrative emerging from multiple centers.